Thursday, February 21, 2008

Google Desktop on Linux

Google is providing desktop search via Goolge Desktop. Its very easy to install on Linux machine.

Download rpm from here

Run the rpm as:

$rpm -ivh google-desktop-linux-current.rpm

After installing it will take some time for indexing the local hard disk.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Editing a file on Nano Editor

Open the file with write mode

$ nano -w file_name

Modify the file
Press Ctrl+O, ENTER and Ctrl+X to Save and Exit the editor

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Installation of CVS Server

Most of the latest Linux distro comes with cvs installed.
Only you have to make some adjustment to make it running.

Check in your machine by typing:
$which cvs

If it returns some path then its there so please skip first two steps.

1. Take the rpm version of cvs server from

2. run the command as su
( I stored downloaded rpm at /home/sanjay/)
$rpm -ivh /home/sanjay/cvs-1.11.x-x.i386.rpm

It will install cvs at /usr/bin

Alternatively cvs can be installed via yum
$ yum install cvs

3. Create cvsroot directory

$mkdir /home/sanjay/projects

4. Set environment variable CVSROOT in root's .bash_profile
$ vi .bash_profile
(in .bash_profile file add lines)
export CVSROOT

(After saving & exiting the file run the command
$ source .bash_profile (to make the changes permanent)

5. Initialize CVSROOT
$ cvs -d /home/sanjay/projects init

It will create one directory named CVSROOT inside /home/sanjay/projects

6. Edit /etc/xinetd.conf file

Add following entry at the last:

service cvspserver
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
env = HOME=/home/sanjay/projects
server = /usr/bin/cvs
server_args = --allow-root=/home/sanjay/projects pserver
disable = no


7. restart xinetd server

$ service xinetd restart

8. Add one user/group cvs, who owns the /home/sanjay/projects directory

$ adduser cvs

9. Give ownership of /home/sanjay/projects directory to this cvs user

chown cvs:cvs /home/sanjay/projects/

10. Give right permissions to the directory
$ chmod -R 2775 /home/sanjay/projects/

11. Add exiting user to the cvs group so they can access the repository

$ usermod -G cvs vivek

(assuming vivek user is already there)

12. Adding module to repository

Create folder say moodle inside /home/sanjay/projects/
and put all the projects file there

Like :
$mkdir /home/sanjay/projects/moodle

14. moodle will become the module inside repository that we can checkout and can checkin our files.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Solunas: The hotel management system

Solunas is a Hotel Booking Engine Software written in RoR.

There are 2 separate parts of the whole application.
a) Backend: Solunas server for the admin of the property.
Its features are:
Manage your Properties / Rooms,
Manage the very flexible price system - Minimum stay / weekday match / etc

b) Frontend:A component integrated on Joomla for the end users.
Its features are:
Show availability calendars
Cart function to add multiple bookings

Installation( Applicable on Linux, tested on Fedora 7)
I am assuming your machine has MySQL, Apache, Ruby and Rails installed.

Download the solunas from sourceforge

Extract it some where like /home/sanjay

Create one blank database on mysql.

There is one sql file solunas.sql inside solunas/db folder, dump this file against the mysql database created for solunas.

Check your ruby version:

$ rails -v

Then change the environment.rb file (inside config folder)

Also change the database.yml file:
adapter: mysql
database: solunas
username: db_user
password: db_pass
host: localhost

Start the webrick server.

$ cd /home/sanjay/solunas
$ ruby script/server

Point your browser at:
Login as user 'marc' and password 'isemann'
And start managing your hotel.

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